Monday, October 02, 2006

My novel, Bird in Tree, is available for purchase at, Barnes and, and wherever fine books are sold.

About Bird in Tree:

Valerie Mastropietro is 19, going on 20. Fresh from rehab, she’s just glad to have escaped her adolescence with her sanity, if not her dignity, intact. Now she is pretty sure she will be okay—that no one ever again will make her do things she does not want to do.

But enter Cornelius Prince, a clairvoyant classical and jazz pianist, whose life has been all about trying to avoid meeting her. When they fall in love, and get married, the looming question in both their lives is whether or not what he foresaw is powerful enough to destroy or save.

Not only a tale of sex, drugs, and rock and roll, Bird in Tree is also a story of love and a treatise on faith and fate—featuring an albino cockatiel with a classical bias, a singer so beautiful she cannot be photographed, thirty-year-old starlight rushing through space, and childhoods of anticipation and remorse.